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Rau_l Owner Admin Member
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Registered:over 2 years ago
Last Seen:over 2 years ago
Profile Views:1129
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Hello, your first issue should be resolved. Working on the issue with the website not storing cookies on your browser properly 

I need help with forum edit button. over 2 years ago

Could you try editing this thread and see if it works?

I need help with forum edit button. over 2 years ago

Thanks! I will try to get both of these issues resolved

I need help with forum edit button. over 2 years ago

I prefer Hytale tbh

Anyone like minecraft? over 2 years ago

The Ask Staff subforum is a direct channel to asking Senior level staff any question which you believe requires an in-depth explanation. 

Please refrain from asking any questions which could be answered by another player in #general on the discord. And before posting anything here, use the search function of both the discord and this forum to attempt to find your answer. 

What is "Ask Staff"? over 2 years ago