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I need help with forum edit button.
Yunasoda Member
13 posts
6 topics
over 2 years ago

I don't know if my post was deleted or not, but from my experience, the edit button on a post leads to a 404 message. I dont know if that's an error or just the forum not registering my post as deleted in case it was. (I hope not)


An absolute mad-gal

Pawnch Member
4 posts
2 topics
over 2 years ago

Same thing happened to me, I can tell you that my post was not deleted so your's probably wasn't either.


No I'm not a Captain Falcon main.

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Yunasoda Member
13 posts
6 topics
over 2 years ago

Alright, on top of that, quoting posts for reply isn't working properly either


An absolute mad-gal

Raúl Owner Admin Member
7 posts
3 topics
over 2 years ago

Thanks! I will try to get both of these issues resolved

x 1
Raúl Owner Admin Member
7 posts
3 topics
over 2 years ago

Could you try editing this thread and see if it works?

Yunasoda Member
13 posts
6 topics
over 2 years ago

It did not work, unfortunately


An absolute mad-gal

Raúl Owner Admin Member
7 posts
3 topics
over 2 years ago

Hello, your first issue should be resolved. Working on the issue with the website not storing cookies on your browser properly 

x 1